The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 23, No. 4, June 1914
Bell, Bertha Horst
June 1914
Beta Theta Pi FraternityConventionsDelta ProvinceDelta Province ConventionsProvince ConventionsThe Trident (Publication)
Chworowosky, Fannie E. PorterfieldCulpepper, Mary Lake HendersonFlack, Elsie Louise KruckerMcDonough, Irene L. PriddyReiff, Dorothy Ellen McCloudRosser, Gladys A. Jolley
Greencastle, Indiana
Delta AlphaDelta KappaGammaNuTheta ZetaZeta
Adrian CollegeDePauw UniversityDrury UniversityOhio State UniversityUniversity of CincinnatiUniversity of Texas
1910s20th Century
1914 Delta Province Convention