The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 43, No. 3, March 1934
Trapnell, Betty Mead
March 1934
Chapter LifeCollegiate Chapter Letters in The TridentCollegiate ChaptersThe Trident (Publication)
Adee, Dorothy HenryBonnean, Vivian R. BoyceBroere, Elaine WilsonCunningham, Janis RonkGagnot, Ruth StromHarley, RuthKellerman, Mignon Lunt PauliMarcy, Susan Dobbs HayStark, Mary Alice JamesStoeltzing, Alice B. DraperStrom, Dorothy K.Wallin, Edith Lois Glass
Alpha AlphaMu
Adelphi UniversityUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
1930s20th Century