The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 36, No. 1, November 1926
Collins, Allce Luella Lane
November 1926
Chapter LifeCollegiate Chapter Letters in The TridentCollegiate ChaptersThe Trident (Publication)
Beougher, Paula Beatrice LeachCoe, Dorothy ReaCollins, Allce Luella LaneCox, Frances Catherine IsermanDale, Dorothy DeanHacker, Agnes Jeanette RemickMerryfield, Evelyn Frances BoycePerrin, Mildred Marie OsbornePerrin, Mildred Marie OsbornePitchford, Nelle Stanacia ConroyPreskitt, Nadine Emily BuckRobertson, Ruth Eliz BarnhiselRollings, Marjorie Anna RichardsRussell, Ruth Marie FaulconerSabin, Louise Lucille LoomisSanderson, Helen ThompsonShideler, Sue Margaret Burris
Theta Iota
Kansas State University
1920s20th Century