The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 54, No. 3, March 1945
The Trident (Publication); Collegiate Chapter Letters in The Trident; Collegiate Chapters; Collegiate Chapter Activities; Life During Wartime; World War II; War Service Projects; Chapter Philanthropy Projects; Philanthropy
Barker, Eva Margaret RepettoBlakemore, Elaine HoovenBoyle, Lois Ann MonaghanCooper, Helen TysonLoughran, Mary Lees McKinneyPenfield, Emmy Lou ButlerRamsey, Mary AnnRuddy, Ruth HeermannThompson, Jane EddyThompson, Jane EddyWasserman, Nancy WilsonYandell, Genevieve Agnes Comber
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania
1940s20th Century
World War II