This page contains the names, addresses, birthdays, and the "happy thoughts" of people associated with Alpha Iota Chapter at Middlebury College.
Alpha Iota Chapter Scrapbook, November 01, 1916-1940
Alpha Iota Chapter
October 6th, 1917
Collegiate ChaptersCollegiate MembersMember Information
Barr, Dorothy MarieBarrett, Elizabeth Ellen BrighamDewhirst, Helen Eliz LinnellElmer, Marion GraceGrant, Helen Beulah CussonsHannah, Edna Matilda GillIngalls, Irene I.Mears, Ruth Louise NorrisNewton, Jennie CraigueSchroder, Martha Eliz WoodingTaylor, Mildred IreneWelch, Margaret Elizabeth HeaphyZellars, Mary Eleanor Crane
Alpha Iota
Middlebury College
1910s20th Century