TriDelta_Trident_Vol69_No2_0034-01.jpg; TriDelta_Trident_Vol69_No2_0034-02.jpg
The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 69, No. 2, Winter 1960
Campus News and Views (The Trident Department)Chapter EventsChapter LifeThe Trident (Publication)
Allman, Allie Beth McMurtryCarrithers, Marilyn MockClevenger, Elizabeth AcolaDavis, Cynthia LillieEmery, Courtney WigginsGarren, Patricia McDanielHarris, Cloe RountreeHeemer, Ellen DillinghamHorn, Jane AustinHurley, Linda ArnetteMcClane, Nancy DeanPhillips, Judy GrayRimes, Linda FryeRoland, Martha Kay Frazier
Phi Lambda
Texas Christian University
1960s20th Century