The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 11, No. 3, May 1902
Wood, Bertha Ellen
May 1902
AlumnaeAlumnae-Collegian RelationsChapter EventsChapter LifeChapter MeetingsCollege and University Faculty and StaffCollege and University PresidentsColleges and UniversitiesCollegiate Chapter ActivitiesCollegiate Chapter Letters in The TridentCollegiate ChaptersConvention DelegatesConventionsEducationFraternities and SororitiesHonor SocietiesInterfraternity RelationsPhi Beta Kappa Honor SocietyPhi Sigma Kappa FraternityThe Trident (Publication)Women in Education
Bailey, Esther SpencerDelany, JosephineLadd, Mary TraverNewman, Grace E. PerkinsWood, Bertha Ellen
Canton, New York
St. Lawrence University
1900s20th Century