The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 24, No. 3, April 1915
April 1915
Chapter LifeCollegiate Chapter Letters in The TridentThe Trident (Publication)
Bigham, Emma Train NewellBritt, Mariella FenstermacherCash, Mary JosephineCrawford, Maud CoffmanDoelle, Shirley Marguerite GaveneyFrey, Julia Lenore LearyGolinvaux, Evalyn Matilda StaufenbeilHayes, Agnes MaryPhelps, Mary Jane JohnsonSweitzer, Lucile B. SnyderThiel, Ruth Lillian WhiteWalp, Harriet Irene Cook
Madison, Wisconsin
Knox CollegeSt. Lawrence UniversityUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
1910s20th Century