The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 28, No. 1, November 1918
November 1918
Chapter LifeCollegiate Chapter Letters in The TridentCollegiate ChaptersThe Trident (Publication)
Allen, Martha Elizabeth ToddBaker, Ruth Evelyn DaviesBoggs, Dorothy Louise HarryBonisteel, PearleCampbell, Dixie G. WakefieldDunham, Ella PottengerEllsworth, Sara Louise WilsonGriscom, IsobelHershey, Dorothy Eloise PineKreger, Helen Beasley ZinkReid, Margaret Alice KuhneThomson, M. Beatrice HineWard, Helen Alice Davison
Oxford, Ohio
Delta BetaTheta Delta
Miami UniversityUniversity of Oregon
1910s20th Century