The Trident of Delta Delta Delta, Vol. 25, No. 2, February 1916
Larkin, Eunice Chapin
February 1916
Chapter LifeCollegiate Chapter Letters in The TridentCollegiate ChaptersThe Trident (Publication)
Bickford, Josephine PoynterButler, FlorenceDrake, Helen Lucile YoungDuteil, BerthaGund, Edna MannHaywood, Lucy M.Hiltner, Mary Catherine GrahamHoward, Florence A. WhittierJohnson, Frances BeatriceKellenbarger, Esther WarnerKirschstein, Irene B.Labarrero, Edna PerrinMims, Vinda HudsonPutney, Hazel F. SnellTipton, May PaddockYost, Lula Shade
Lincoln, Nebraska
Simpson CollegeUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln
1910s20th Century