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Life on Campus: Texas, Summer 2013

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Lifetime Giving Levels of $5,000 and More

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Lifetime Giving Levels of $5,000 and More

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Linda Sokolosky Westerburg, Marvin Stone and King Scovell Photograph, Winter 1983

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Lindsay, Wenglein, and Leary Photograph

Three representatives of Tri Delta pose together in a room. Standing up in the back row, from left to right, are Teri Wenglein, Texas, and Anne Pryser Leary, Southern Methodist. Sitting down in the chair is Sarah Coons Lindsay, Miami/Ohio.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Lindsay, Wenglein, Leary, and Unidentified Photograph

A group of Tri Delta representatives pose together in a room. Standing in the back row, from left to right, are Sarah Coons Lindsay, Miami/Ohio, Teri Wenglein, Texas, Anne Pryser Leary, Southern Methodist, and an unidentified Tri Delta.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Live, Learn, Lead: Texas, Winter/Spring 2019

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Lois Boston, Teri Wenglein, and Unidentified at Convention Photograph 1, 2000

Six Tri Delta representatives pose together during the 2000 Convention in Washington, D.C. Standing second and third from the left are Lois Depuy Boston, Bucknell, and Teri Wenglein, Arizona.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Lois Boston, Teri Wenglein, and Unidentified at Convention Photograph 2, 2000

Six Tri Delta representatives pose together during the 2000 Convention in Washington, D.C. Standing second and third from the left are Lois Depuy Boston, Bucknell, and Teri Wenglein, Arizona.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Lois Par to Saradell Crawford Letter, November 23, 1946

Lois Nelson, University of Montana writes to Saradell David Crawford, University of Texas to thank her for her chapter visit and for her recommendations and with a note from Theta Rho Chapter.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Lois to Executive Board Memo 1, May 3, 1978

Finance Director Lois Kitts Suriano, University of Colorado Boulder, lists the names of collegiate members to be awarded recognition for their work as chapter treasurers at the 1978 Convention. This collection includes an additional copy of this memo.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Lois to Executive Board Memo 2, May 3, 1978

Finance Director Lois Kitts Suriano, University of Colorado Boulder, lists the names of collegiate members to be awarded recognition for their work as chapter treasurers at the 1978 Convention. This collection includes an additional copy of this memo.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Lost Members, Winter 1974

Collection: Tri Delta Publications


Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Lou Smith Adopts Sorority Newspaper Clipping, June 19, 1972

Sharon Myles Cobler describes the opening of the Parkway Plaza Executive Office and the work of Executive Secretary Louise Diamond Smith, University of Texas.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Lou Smith Adopts Sorority Newspaper Clipping, June 19, 1972

Sharon Myles Cobler describes the opening of the Parkway Plaza Executive Office in Arlington, Texas, and the work of Executive Secretary Louise Diamond Smith, University of Texas.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Lou Smith Heads Office

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Lou Smith to Carole, Nancy, and Ann Memo, March 10, 1978

Louise Diamond Smith, University of Texas, provides details on plans for the initiation of Ann Ohlmeyer Dore, Louisiana State University, during the 1978 Convention. This collection includes a letter of invitation to Ann.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Lou Smith to Ellison, Boston, and Provost Memo, February 28, 1978

Executive Secretary Louise Diamond Smith, Washington State University, writes about committee chairmen and committee members' expenses at the 1978 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Lou Smith to Tri Delta Executive Board Memo, October 24, 1977

Louise Diamond Smith, University of Texas, writes to the Tri Delta Executive Board to with information about the cost of microfilming Fraternity records.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection