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Showing 3001 to 3020 of 3,382 results for "University of Texas".

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Theta Province Convention First Session Meeting Minutes, March 20, 1924

These meeting minutes outline topics of discussion during the first session of the 1924 Theta Province Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Theta Psi Chapter Traveling Secretary Report, January 6-10, 1947

This report describes the trip Saradell David Crawford, University of Texas, took to Theta Psi Chapter at the University of Texas at El Paso and includes a recommendation letter to Ann Harris Owen, University of Texas at El Paso, and visit schedule.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Theta Rho Chapter Traveling Secretary Report, October 1-5, 1946

Saradell David Crawford, University of Texas, describes aspects of how Theta Rho Chapter at the University of Montana operates in her report. She includes her recommendations for the chapter in a letter to Lois Nelson, University of Montana.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Theta Sigma Traveling Secretary Report, April 9-13, 1947

This report describes the trip Saradell David Crawford, University of Texas, took to Theta Sigma Chapter at the University of North Dakota, including a letter to Kathleen Law Page, University of North Dakota, and a visit schedule.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Theta Tau Chapter Traveling Secretary Report, October 6-10, 1946

Saradell David Crawford, University of Texas, describes her visit to Theta Tau Chapter at the University of Idaho went in her report. She includes a letter with her recommendations to Ethel Jane Kopelman Whaley, University of Idaho, and a schedule for her visit.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Theta Theta Chapter Traveling Secretary Report, November 18-22, 1946

Saradell David Crawford, University of Texas, describes her visit to Theta Theta Chapter at the University of Nevada in this report. It also includes a letter to Theta Theta Chapter and a visit schedule.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Theta Upsilon Chapter Traveling Secretary Report, May 12-15, 1947

This report assesses Theta Upsilon Chapter at the University of Tulsa at Urbana after Saradell David Crawford, University of Texas visited. It includes a letter to Helen Scotti Mason, University of Tulsa, and a visit schedule.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Theta Xi Chapter Traveling Secretary Report, December 8-13, 1946

This report describes the trip Saradell David Crawford, University of Texas, took to Theta Xi Chapter at the University of Southern California, where she saw poor spirit and a disappointing chapter. including her recommendation letter to Margaret Travis Jones King, University of Southern California, and a visit schedule.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Theta Zeta Chapter Alumnae at Founders' Day Event Photograph, Spring 2015

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Theta Zeta Chapter Is Installed at Texas State University on February Twenty Third

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Theta Zeta Chapter Is Installed at Texas State University on February Twenty Third, Continued

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Theta Zeta Chapter Members at Centennial Ball Photograph, Winter 2014

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Theta Zeta Chapter to Richardson Alumnae Chapter Card, April 8, 1975

Theta Zeta Chapter at the University of Texas thanks the Richardson Alumnae Chapter for their monetary gift.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Theta Zeta Chapter to Richardson Alumnae Chapter Card, August 23, 1975

Theta Zeta Chapter at the University of Texas thanks the Richardson Alumnae Chapter for their gift.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Theta Zeta Charter Group Photograph, February 23, 1912

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Theta Zeta's Proposed Chapter House

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Theta Zeta, Beta Epsilon, Gamma Alpha, and Phi Lambda Chapter House Photographs

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Thirteenth National Convention of Delta Delta Delta

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Thirty-Fifth Tri Delta Convention Banquet Program, June 30, 1972

This document contains the menu and schedule of events for the 35th Convention Banquet.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Thirty-Fifth Tri Delta Convention Banquet Program, June 30, 1972

This program contains the menu and schedule of events for the 35th Convention Banquet.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection