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Showing 3081 to 3100 of 3,382 results for "University of Texas".

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Tri Delta Fraternity Executive Officers History Scrapbook, Page 19

This scrapbook page contains three interior photographs of the Parkway Plaza Executive Office, taken during the 1972 National Office Tea.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Fraternity Executive Officers History Scrapbook, Page 20

This scrapbook page contains three photographs of guests attending the 1972 National Office Tea at the Parkway Plaza Executive Office.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Fraternity Executive Officers History Scrapbook, Page 21

This scrapbook page contains three photographs from the 1972 National Office Tea at the Parkway Plaza Executive Office.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Fraternity Executive Officers History Scrapbook, Page 3

This scrapbook page contains two lists of Executive Office locations and the names of Executive Directors and Secretaries from 1912-1994, as well as an information sheet describing the history of Executive Office.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Fraternity Executive Officers History Scrapbook, Page 31

This scrapbook page contains three photographs showing the interior of the 2313 Brookhollow Plaza Drive Executive Office, staff members, and members of the Century Building Campaign Steering Committee.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Fraternity Executive Officers History Scrapbook, Page 8

This scrapbook page contains four photographs of Executive Office staff members and Executive Board members at work and two magazine clippings announcing a new Executive Secretary and describing a new office location.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta History Meeting Photograph, 1984

Gloria Hoffman Snyder, University of Texas, Beaver (first name unknown), Kathleen Davis Nye, University of Iowa, Margaret Paddock Haller, Cornell University, and Mary Kay Paup Baker, University of California, Los Angeles, attend a history meeting at the Tri Delta Executive Office following the 1984 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta in the Media: Learn About Tri Deltas Who are Making Their Mark

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta Leaders Newspaper Clipping

This article describes a leadership school hosted by Tri Delta Fraternity and includes a photograph of four attendees.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Leadership School Photograph, June 15-19, 1973

Six Tri Deltas sit around a table during the 1973 Leadership School in Lincoln, Nebraska. They are, from left to right, Katheryn Rather Henneberger, University of Texas, Gloria Hoffman Snyder, University of Texas, Kipp (first name unknown), Foster (first name unknown), Bennett (first name unknown), and Sara Vaughn Gabbard, University of Illinois at Urbana.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Library, Fall 2014

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta Library, Spring 2014

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta Library, Summer 2018

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta Members of Mortar Board at Convention

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta Modernizes, Grows, Campuses Calm

This article discusses the history of Tri Delta from 1972-1976, under the leadership of President Mary Kay Paup Baker, University of California, Los Angeles.

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta Officers, 1968-70

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta Open House Is Sorority 'Home-Warming' Newspaper Clipping, June 28, 1972

This article describes the 1972 Parkway Plaza Executive Office Opening Reception and includes photographs of the event.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Service Roster, March 1944

This article lists Tri Delta members serving in the armed forces during World War II. This article continues one from the October 1943 issue of The Trident.

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta Today

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta Today - 130 Chapters

This article compiles brief histories for all 130 collegiate chapters.

Collection: Tri Delta Publications