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Showing 1721 to 1740 of 1,806 results for "Pennsylvania State University".

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This Is Your Record: Service Projects Report

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Three Star Fund Report, June 16-21, 1974

Finance Director Virginia Gould Jones, Pennsylvania State University, describes the Three Star Fund within the framework of Tri Delta's philanthropic program as it provides emergency financial assistance to Tri Delta members. Virginia presents this report at the 1974 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

To Tri Delta Parents, Spring 1981

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tomorrow's Tri Deltas

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tops in Scholarship, Winter 1997

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Total Wellness: A Tribute to Tri Delta and a Plea for Bone Marrow Donation

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Total Wellness: A Tribute to Tri Delta and a Plea for Bone Marrow Donation

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Transcript of Delta Century Fund Slide Presentation, c. 1986

This script, designed to be used during the Delta Century Fund slideshow, describes the history of the National Humanities Center, the development of the Delta Century Fund, and the relationship between the Center and Tri Delta.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta 36th Convention Banquet Program, June 20, 1974

This document contains the menu and program for the 36th Convention Banquet.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta 36th Convention Banquet Program, June 20, 1974

This document contains the menu and program for the 36th Convention Banquet.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Attending the 1997 Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta Booklet, 1960

The interior pages of this booklet are missing.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Castle Scene Photograph

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Century Fund Scrapbook, Page 24

This page contains a photograph depicting the Delta Century Fund gift to the Penn State University Library.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Claims Two New Chapters: Gamma Kappa Chapter Installed at Wake Forest University

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta Executive Office Opening Photograph

Unidentified Tri Deltas gather by a buffet table during the opening of a new Executive Office. Pictured with the group are Fraternity President Helen Russell Notesteen, University of Minnesota, and Virginia Gould Jones, Pennsylvania State University.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Foundation Board of Trustees Photograph 1, September 29, 2002

The members of the Tri Delta Foundation Board of Trustees and Fraternity President pose together for a group photograph inside the Executive Office in Arlington, Texas. Sitting down in the first row, from left to right, are Gail Harrison Corvette, Indiana, President Sarah Coons Lindsay, Miami/Ohio, Teri Wenglein, Texas, an unidentified trustee, and Paula White Huffman, Pennsylvania State. Standing in the back row, from left to right, are Anne Pryser Leary, Southern Methodist, an unidentified trustee, Judith Bass Hollow, Tennessee, Rebecca Reynolds, Georgia, Laura Simic, Oregon, Carol Bussing Farmer, Baker, Adelaide Gonzalez Few, Randolph-Macon, and Cari Fitzgerald Cook, Texas/Arlington.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Foundation Board of Trustees Photograph 2, September 29, 2002

The members of the Tri Delta Foundation Board of Trustees and Fraternity President pose together for a group photograph outside of the Executive Office in Arlington, Texas. Sitting down in the first row, from left to right, are Gail Harrison Corvette, Indiana, President Sarah Coons Lindsay, Miami/Ohio, Teri Wenglein, Texas, an unidentified trustee, and Paula White Huffman, Pennsylvania State. Standing in the back row, from left to right, are Anne Pryser Leary, Southern Methodist, an unidentified trustee, Judith Bass Hollow, Tennessee, Rebecca Reynolds, Georgia, Laura Simic, Oregon, Carol Bussing Farmer, Baker, Adelaide Gonzalez Few, Randolph-Macon, and Cari Fitzgerald Cook, Texas/Arlington.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Foundation Board of Trustees Photograph 3

The members of the Tri Delta Foundation Board of Trustees and Fraternity President pose together in front of the Donor Wall of Honor at the Executive Office in Arlington, Texas. Sitting in the first row, from left to right, are Teri Wenglein, Texas, Betty Joyce Bevis Hand, Florida State, President Sarah Coons Lindsay, Miami/Ohio, an unidentified trustee, and Adelaide Gonzalez Few, Randolph-Macon. Standing in the back row, from left to right, are Anne Pryser Leary, Southern Methodist, Rebecca Reynolds, Georgia, Gail Harrison Corvette, Indiana, Carol Bussing Farmer, Baker, Paula White Huffman, Pennsylvania State, and Cari Fitzgerald Cook, Texas/Arlington.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Foundation Board of Trustees Photograph, c. 2002

The members of the Tri Delta Foundation Board of Trustees and Fraternity President pose together for a group photograph in front of the Executive Office in Arlington, Texas. Standing in the first row, from left to right, are Adelaide Gonzalez Few, Randolph-Macon, Gail Harrison Corvette, Indiana, Betty Joyce Bevis Hand, Florida State, President Sarah Coons Lindsay, Miami/Ohio, Rebecca Reynolds, Georgia, and Teri Wenglein, Texas. Standing in the back row, from left to right, are Anne Pryser Leary, Southern Methodist, Judith Bass Hollow, Tennessee, an unidentified trustee, Carol Bussing Farmer, Baker, Cari Fitzgerald Cook, Texas/Arlington, and Paula White Huffman, Pennsylvania State.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection