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This list of Tri Delta Fraternity collegiate chapters includes the name of the college, chapter, and its active dates.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Heather Hirata summarizes the events, activities, and honors of Gamma Rho Chapter at Pepperdine University during the 2007-2008 academic year. The report includes lists of chapter officers and members, as well as photographs from various chapter activities.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Six Tri Deltas pose for a photograph to celebrate the presentation of computers to the Tri Delta Archives in honor of Margaret Paddock Haller, Cornell University, during the 1996 Convention in Dallas, Texas. They are, from left to right, Cari Fitzgerald Cook, University of Texas at Arlington, Sarah Coons Lindsay, Miami University, Ginger Cain, Margaret Paddock Haller, Cornell University, Michelle Popp Shimberg, and Julie Jett Drew, University of Florida.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
The Fraternity presidents poses with members of Alpha Theta Chapter at the University of Pittsburgh. Standing in the middle of the top row is President Sarah Coons Lindsay, Miami/Ohio.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Second from the right, President Sarah Coons Lindsay, Miami/Ohio, poses with three Tri Deltas during the 2000 Convention in Washington, D.C.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Sarah Coons Lindsay, Pepperdine and Miami, writes to Grace Elizabeth Hale of the National Humanities Center congratulating her on being selected as a 2002-2003 Tri Delta Fellow.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Sarah Coons Lindsay, Pepperdine and Miami, writes to Kristin Hanson informing her that she has been selected as a 2001-2002 Tri Delta Fellow of the National Humanities Center. Sarah provides a brief history on the Fraternity as well as the Fellowship with the National Humanities Center.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Sarah Coons Lindsay, Pepperdine and Miami, writes to Luis Corteguera informing him that he has been selected as a 2001-2002 Tri Delta Fellow of the National Humanities Center. Sarah provides a brief history on the Fraternity as well as the Fellowship with the National Humanities Center.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Sarah Coons Lindsay, Pepperdine and Miami, writes to Sigrun Svarvasrsdottir of the National Humanities Center to congratulate him on being selected as a 2002-2003 Tri Delta Fellow.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection