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Showing 2121 to 2140 of 2,919 results for "University of Missouri".

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Pearl and Pine Report: Panhellenic Notes

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Pearl and Pine Report: Pearl and Pine Notes

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Pearl and Pine Report: Phi Beta Kappa

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Pearl and Pine Report: Silver, Gold, and Blue Gallery

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Pearl and Pine Report: Silver, Gold, and Blue Gallery, Fall 1989

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Pearl and Pine Report: St. Lawrence Deltas Busy With Sports

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Pearl and Pine Report: Syracuse Deltas Reap Honors, Spring 1989

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Pearl and Pine Report: Tri Delta Helped Raise Over $28,000 to Fight Multiple Sclerosis Photograph, Winter 1989

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Pearl and Pine Report: Two Tri Deltas Shared Tea With Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother Photograph, Spring 1990

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Pearl Haan to Joan Card, February 1, 1950

Pearl Davies Haan, University of Oregon, writes to Joan to notify her of the death of Pearle Bonisteel, University of Oregon.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Penny Fletcher to Suzie Nichols Note, 1989

In this note, Penelope Coiner Fletcher, College of William & Mary, describes a survey.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Peoria Alumnae Chapter Scrapbook, 1931-1962, Page 40

This page contains eight newspaper clippings.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Peoria Alumnae Chapter Scrapbook, 1931-1962, Page 45

This page contains four clippings from The Trident and four newspaper clippings.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Peoria Alumnae Chapter Scrapbook, 1931-1962, Page 51

This page contains six newspaper clippings.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Peoria Alumnae Chapter Scrapbook, 1931-1962, Page 84

This page contains various newspaper clippings about the life of Peoria Alumnae Chapter members and their families.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Peoria Alumnae Chapter Scrapbook, 1931-1962, Page 86

This page contains 11 newspaper clippings about the life of Peoria Alumnae Chapter members and their families.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Peoria Area, Illinois Alumnae Chapter Members Preparing for Miss America Event, 1964

This article is about the preparations Molly Kennedy Carr, Northwestern University, Barbara Bryant Shoemaker, University of Missouri, and Charlotte Edwards Burhans, Michigan State University, are making for the reception the Peoria Area, Illinois Alumnae Chapter is holding to honor Miss America.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Peoria Area, Illinois Alumnae Chapter Scrapbook, Page 37

This page contains two newspaper clippings. One clipping is about an sorority informational party for high school students, and one is about a tea service with the Junior League of Peoria.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Peoria Area, Illinois Alumnae Chapter Scrapbook, Page 39

This page features three photographs and a newspaper clipping about the dinner and reception held for Miss America 1964 Donna Axum, University of Arkansas.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Peoria Area, Illinois Alumnae Chapter Scrapbook, Page 42

This page contains six newspaper clippings about different Peoria Area, Illinois Alumnae Chapter members.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection