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Showing 1841 to 1860 of 2,919 results for "University of Missouri".

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Josephine McKamey Gwyn Phi Lambda Epsilon Pin

This Phi Lambda Epsilon Fraternity pin belonged to Josephine McKamey Gwyn, University of Missouri.

Collection: Tri Delta Jewelry Collection

Josephine McKamey Gwyn PTA Pin

This pin belonged to Josephine McKamey Gwyn, University of Missouri.

Collection: Tri Delta Jewelry Collection

Juanita Venrick Perkins Badge With Trident Pin

This Stars and Crescent badge belonged to Juanita Venrick Perkins, University of Missouri.

Collection: Tri Delta Jewelry Collection

Kansas City's New Project

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Kansas State

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Kathie Nye to Ada Searles Memo, June 5, 1972

Fraternity President Kathleen Davis Nye, University of Iowa, asks Ada Davies Searles, Goucher College, to contribute a letter to recognize Eileen Blain Rudolph, Goucher College, to honor her retirement at the 1972 Convention. Ada responds with a handwritten note.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Kathie Nye to Betty Froelinger Letter, June 1, 1972

Fraternity President Kathleen Davis Nye, University of Iowa, asks Betty Froelinger to contribute a letter as a retirement gift for Past President Frances Priddy McDonald, University of Missouri, to be given at the 1972 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Kathie Nye to Caralee Stanard Letter, June 1, 1972

Fraternity President Kathleen Davis Nye, University of Iowa, asks Caralee S. Stanard to contribute a letter as a retirement gift for Past President Frances Priddy McDonald, University of Missouri, to be given at the 1972 Convention. Included in this collection is a letter in reply to Kathie from Caralee.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Kathie Nye to Fran Stevenson Letter, June 1, 1972

Fraternity President Kathleen Davis Nye, University of Iowa, asks Fran Stevenson to contribute a letter as a retirement gift for Past President Frances Priddy McDonald, University of Missouri, to be given at the 1972 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Kathie Nye to Harold J. Bachman Letter, June 1, 1972

Fraternity President Kathleen Davis Nye, University of Iowa, asks Harold Josepf Bachmann, to contribute a letter as a retirement gift for Past President Frances Priddy McDonald, University of Missouri, to be given at the 1972 Convention. Included in this collection is a letter in reply to Kathie from Bachman.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Kathie Nye to Kenneth W. Dean Letter, June 1, 1972

Fraternity President Kathleen Davis Nye, University of Iowa, asks Kenneth W. Dean of the George Banta Company, to contribute a letter as a retirement gift for Past President Frances Priddy McDonald, University of Missouri, to be given at the 1972 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Kathie Nye to McDonald, Euse, Notesteen, and Mowlds Memo, May 1970

Fraternity President Kathleen Davis Nye, University of Iowa, provides details about breakfasts during the 1970 Convention. Kathie asks the recipients to indicate if they will attend.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Kathie Nye to Miss Ruthie Memo, June 5, 1972

Fraternity President Kathleen Davis Nye, University of Iowa, asks Ruth McDowell Kinnard, University of Alabama, to contribute letters as part of retirement gifts for Past President Frances Priddy McDonald, University of Missouri, and Eileen Blain Rudolph, Goucher College, to be given to them at the 1972 Convention. This collection includes a response letter from Ruth to Kathie.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Kathie Nye to Speed Baker Letter, June 1, 1972

Fraternity President Kathleen Davis Nye, University of Iowa, asks Speed Baker to contribute a letter as a retirement gift for Past President Frances Priddy McDonald, University of Missouri, to be given at the 1972 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Kathie Nye to Virginia Zoerb Letter, June 1, 1972

Fraternity President Kathleen Davis Nye, University of Iowa, asks Virginia Zoerb to contribute a letter as a retirement gift for Past President Frances Priddy McDonald, University of Missouri, to be given at the 1972 Convention. Virginia's reply to Kathie is included in this collection.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Kathleen Nye Past President Interview, June 23, 1982

Kathleen Davis Nye, University of Iowa, speaks to Margaret Paddock Haller, Cornell University, about her Tri Delta career, beginning with her time as traveling secretary from 1943-1945, including a time she traveled on a troop train during World War II, then later serving as fraternity chairman of academic standards, district president of Indiana, and fraternity collegiate vice president before becoming president from 1968-1972. She discusses the expansion of career opportunities for women, shares her recollections of serving under President Susan White Perry, Vanderbilt University, and the decision to close Alpha Upsilon Chapter at Colby College, as well as the Executive Board's reaction to the recruitment of the first African American member by Delta Upsilon Chapter at Ohio Wesleyan University. Kathleen also speaks fondly of the Tri Deltas who served with her on Executive Board during her presidency, discusses the challenges of recruitment, membership selection, and discrimination in the 1960s, recounts the move of the Tri Delta Executive Office to Arlington, Texas, and recalls the 1970 Convention in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection

Kenneth W. Dean to Kathleen Nye Letter, June 20, 1972

Kenneth W. Dean of the George Banta Company reminisces about his experiences working with Frances Priddy McDonald, University of Missouri, and encloses a letter as part of a retirement celebration in her honor at the 1972 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Kenneth W. Dean to Kathleen Nye Letter, June 22, 1972

Kenneth W. Dean of the George Banta Company writes about photographs taken during the National Panhellenic Conference. Dean mentions the 1972 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Kerri Barsh, Missouri Photograph, Winter 1981

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Kimberly Hamilton, Robin Poos, Angela Trueba and Ann Corning Photograph, Fall 1982

Collection: Tri Delta Publications