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Lifetimes of Friendship Founders Day Video, 1992

This video, created for Founders' Day in 1992, features a number of interviews with members of the Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter. In these interviews, alumnae reminisce on their collegiate experiences in the early 1900s as well as the founding of the Chapter in the 1950s.

Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection

Lillian Schwerin Wesson Badge With Pi Chapter Guard

This Stars and Crescent badge belonged to Lillian Schwerin Wesson, University of California, Berkeley.

Collection: Tri Delta Jewelry Collection

Lisa Sernett to Marilyn Weatherly Letter, June 20, 1988

Lisa Lewis Sernett, University of California, Berkeley, writes to Marilyn Moore Weatherly, Knox College, to reflect on the importance of Tri Delta membership to her life and personal growth.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Lisa Sernett Wearing a Yellow Hard Hat Photograph, 1985

Lisa Lewis Sernett, University of California, Berkeley, winner of the 1985 Sarah Ida Shaw Award, sits on a cart with construction supplies.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Living and Experiencing Sisterhood

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Lois Boston and Angela Driver Photograph, 1991

Tri Delta Foundation President, Lois Depuy Boston, Bucknell University, left, and Tri Delta President Angela Hackett Driver, University of California, Berkeley, right, pose for a photograph.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Lois Suriano to Margaret Klingerman and Mary Kay Baker Memo, September 1, 1976

Lois Kitts Suriano, University of Colorado Boulder, discusses tax exemption status.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Lois Suriano to Margaret Klingerman Memo, December 7, 1977

Lois Kitts Suriano, University of Colorado Boulder, discusses the Theta Theta Chapter.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Lois Suriano to Margaret Klingerman Memo, July 13, 1977

Lois Kitts Suriano, University of Colorado Boulder, discusses the house corporation.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Lois Suriano to Margaret Klingerman Memo, October 13, 1967

Lois Kitts Suriano, University of Colorado Boulder, discusses retaining the California Executive fund and assistance to the housing corporation.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Long Before Women's Lib

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Looking at the Campus Leaders, May 1947

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Lost Life Subscribers, March 1929

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Lost Members Eligible For Golden Circle: California (Phi)

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

M. A. Massengale to Mrs. Glenn C. Driver Letter, October 7, 1988

M. A. Massengale writes to Angela Hackett Driver, California, Berkeley, and thanks her for informing her of the Tri Delta fellows who have been selected.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Marcheta Bowdle to Alice Cullinane Memo, November 8, 1988

Marcheta MacDonald Bowdle,Miami, writes to Alice Hartnett Sweet Cullinane, California, Berkeley, regarding her concerns about the state of the Tri Delta Garden. Marcheta is concerned about Alice's report of the apparent lack of care the garden is receiving.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Marcheta Bowdle to Carolyn Edwards Memo, July 13, 1980

In this memo, Delta Century Fund Chairman Marcheta MacDonald Bowdle, Miami University, provides an update on all Fund recipient options the Committee is currently researching.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Margaret Haller Golden Circle Certificate

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Margaret Haller to Judy Birk and Betty Thompson Memo, February 10, 1986

Margaret Paddock Haller, Cornell University, asks Judith Plessinger Birk, Indiana University; Miami University, for information about the Cleft Lip and Palate Institute. Margaret also asks Betty Ledbetter Thompson, Stetson University; University of Georgia, for information about the Charleston Alumnae Chapter home tour. The memo to only Judith is also available.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Margaret Haller to Judy Birk Memo, February 10, 1986

Margaret Paddock Haller, Cornell University, asks Judith Plessinger Birk, Indiana University; Miami University, for information about the Cleft Lip and Palate Institute. A version of the memo with an attached memo to Betty Ledbetter Thompson, Stetson University; University of Georgia, is also available.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection