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This list notes the names of guests who will be attending the 1986 Brookhollow Plaza Drive Executive Office Dedication. The first page of the list is missing.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This program from the dedication of the Brookhollow Plaza Drive Executive Office in Arlington, Texas, includes names of the 1984-1986 Executive Board members, a schedule for the event, and lists of the Tri Deltas involved with planning the event.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
This list, handed out at the 1984 Convention, features the names, chapters, and amounts donated to the Delta Century Fund from 1982 to 1984.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This page features a black and white photograph of Tri Deltas presenting the Delta Century Fund award to Adelphi University President Dr. Timothy Costello. Presenting the gift of political science books are Janith Kice Smith, Adelphi University, Fraternity President Mar Kay Paup Baker, University of California, Los Angeles, and Alpha Alpha Chapter President Mary Argondizzo, Adelphi University.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This page features a photograph depicting Fraternity President Mrs. Robert M. Baker , University of California, Los Angeles, presenting a book of Japanese fairy tales to Illinois State University President Gene Budig at the Beta Omicron Chapter Installation Banquet. The gift was presented on behalf of the Delta Century Fund. Fraternity Vice President Mrs. B. B. Grimes, Southern Methodist University, sits in front.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This page features several news clippings reporting on Delta Century Fund gifts made to the Farrell Library at Kansas State University, the Irwin Library at Butler University, the Coe Library at the University of Wyoming, and the Biomedical Library at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This page features a letter written to Fraternity President Mrs. Mary Kay Baker, University of California, Los Angeles, thanking her for the Delta Century Fund gift made to the Northern Arizona University Library. The page also includes a news clipping describing the Delta Century Fund gift made to the Irwin Library at Butler University in honor of Delta Lambda Chapter's 60th anniversary.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This page features a news clipping describing the Delta Century Fund gift made to Northern Arizona University (NAU). The accompanying photograph shows Fraternity President Mrs. Mary Kay Baker, University of California, Los Angeles, presenting a check to NAU President Dr. J. Lawrence Walkup. Others pictured from left to right are Dr. Robert Kemp, NAU director of library services; Dr. Eugene M. Hughes, vice president for university programs; and Tri Delta member Teri Kemp, University of Southern California; and Chapter President Angela White, Northern Arizona University.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This page features a black and white photograph of Ernestine Grigsby, University of Colorado Boulder; Dean Annette Gibbs; and Fraternity President Mary Kay Baker, University of California, Los Angeles, at the University of Virginia.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This page features a black and white photograph of Fraternity President Mrs. Mary Kay Baker, University of California, Los Angeles, and Northern Arizona University President Dr. J. Lawrence Walkup posing with a check from the Delta Century Fund. Also pictured are Robert Kemp, NAU director of library services; Dr. Eugene Hughes, vice-president for university programs; Chapter President Angela White, Northern Arizona University; and Terri Kemp, University of Southern California.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This information sheet provides updates on the current Delta Century Fund Committee and all recipient options currently being researched.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This scrapbook page features three photographs of Tri Delta members in the Delta Delta Delta Garden at the National Humanities Center. Also attached to the page is a pamphlet guide to the Garden.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This scrapbook page features two photographs of flowers in the Tri Delta Garden at the National Humanities Center. The page also includes the beginning of a Fraternity wide letter written by President Jean Hunt Gaines, University of California, Los Angeles, about the Garden.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This scrapbook page features a list of signatures from attendees of the 1985 National Humanities Center Tri Delta Garden Dedication.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This scrapbook page features a letter from National Humanities Center Director Charles Blitzer thanking Tri Delta President Jean Hunt Gaines, University of California, Los Angeles, and Delta Century Fund Chairman Marcheta MacDonald Bowdle, Miami University, for their roles at the 1985 National Humanities Center Tri Delta Garden Dedication.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This scrapbook page features a list of signatures from attendees of the 1985 National Humanities Center Tri Delta Garden Dedication. The page also includes a photograph of alumnae members who attended the event.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This scrapbook page features Tri Delta President Jean Hunt Gaines', University of California, Los Angeles, 1985 Founders' Day proclamation.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This scrapbook page features a flier stating the deadline to donate to the Delta Century Fund and be recognized at the upcoming 1986 Convention. The page also includes a form originally printed in The Trident for unaffiliated Tri Deltas to donate to the Delta Century Fund.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection