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Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This audio from the 1982 Convention Closing Banquet begins with Fraternity President Sara Vaugh Gabbard, University of Illinois at Urbana, introducing the current and former Executive Board members and Associate Directors sitting at the head table. After these introductions, the Convention choir sings a short collection of Tri Delta songs before former Executive Board member Marjory Allingham Ramey, University of Oregon, gives the closing Convention speech. The audio concludes with the Candlelighting Service and the collective singing of "Alpha Theta Phi."
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
Convention Chairman Claire Brinley Berner, College of William & Mary, opens the second day of the 1982 Convention with a number of general announcements. Fraternity President Sara Vaugh Gabbard, University of Illinois at Urbana, then facilitates a discussion and vote on a resolution to use the Delta Century Fund to support a National Humanities Center Fellows program. The meeting concludes with a number of bylaw amendments and past Fraternity President Jeanne Johnston Grimes', Southern Methodist University, presentation of the nominating committee report.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio from the 1998 Convention Opening Meeting features Fraternity President Gwenn Smith Wynn, Auburn University. Gwenn introduces the Executive Board and other important Fraternity members. She then proceeds to give an overview of the biennial report before closing the meeting.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio from 2002 Convention features the majority of Dr. Kelly Smith's collegiate workshop about club drugs.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio from the opening meeting of the 2002 Convention includes a performance from the Epcot Fife and Drum Corps, the introduction of past presidents and current Executive Board members, and the beginning of Fraternity President Sarah Coons Lindsay's, Miami University, opening address.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This video features Alpha Lambda Chapter alumna Leeza Gibbons', University of South Carolina, acceptance speech for the Women of Achievement Award and was played at the 2004 Convention in her absence.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Digital Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Digital Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Digital Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Digital Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Digital Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Digital Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Digital Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Digital Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Digital Collection