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Showing 441 to 460 of 474 results for "National Panhellenic Conference (NPC)".

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They're Saying…In the Greek World

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Three National Panhellenic Executive Committee Members Photograph, 1958

Three members of the National Panhellenic Executive Committee pose for a photograph. They are, from left to right, Treasurer Nash (first name unknown) of Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity, Secretary Ernestine Block Grigsby, University of Colorado Boulder, and Chairman Nordwall (first name unknown) of Alpha Chi Lambda Fraternity. This photograph was published on page 45 of the Winter 1958 issue of The Trident.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Toga, Anyone?

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Toga, Anyone?: Sending Signals

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Total Wellness: Banning the Binge

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta Chapters Implement NPC Rush Resolutions

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta College, Alumnae Entertain Panhellenic Groups Newspaper Clipping With Note, June 19, 1966

This article describes how Tri Deltas have assisted with the Panhellenic Convention. The article features a photograph of Fraternity President Susan White Perry, Vanderbilt University, and two Tri Deltas registering for the event. A note indicates that this is from the 1966 Convention. This collection features an additional copy of this clipping, without a note.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta College, Alumnae Entertain Panhellenic Groups Newspaper Clipping, June 19, 1966

This article describes how Tri Deltas have assisted with the Panhellenic Convention, part of the 1966 Convention. The article features a photograph of Fraternity President Susan White Perry, Vanderbilt University, and two Tri Deltas registering for the event. This collection features an additional copy of this clipping with a note.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Convention Centennial Celebration Video, 1988

This video, created to celebrate Tri Delta's 100th Anniversary, features video clips from the 1988 Convention and information about the Fraternity's accomplishments over the last 100 years.

Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection

Tri Delta Founding and Early History Slideshow Slide 12

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Members at Fourteenth National Panhellenic Congress Luncheon Photograph, August 1915

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta Panorama: Facing the Future

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta Participation

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta Recruitment Presentation Video

This video, designed as a recruitment tool, provides a brief history of Tri Delta and explains the Fraternity's purpose and modern accomplishments. The video specifically highlights Tri Delta's focus on friendship, leadership development, academic excellence, and philanthropy.

Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection

Tri Delta's Panhellenic Pioneers

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Delta...Then and Now

Genie Davis Sherman, University of Arizona, provides a summary of Tri Delta's history within the broader context of U.S. history.

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Deltas Affect Change in Washington, D.C.

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Deltas Among Panhellenic Representatives Received at White House

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Tri Deltas Shine At Conference

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Trident Copy Deadlines, Winter 1965

Collection: Tri Delta Publications