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Showing 2201 to 2220 of 4,568 results for "Philanthropy".

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Egleston Hospital Button

Collection: Tri Delta Object Collection

Eighty-Seven Scholarships Granted

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Elgin Area Alumnae Chapter Scrapbook, Page 16

This page contains an invitation.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Elgin Area Alumnae Chapter Scrapbook, Page 17

This page contains a press release.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Elgin Area Alumnae Chapter Scrapbook, Page 18

This page contains a list of exhibitors at an Elgin Area Alumnae Chapter Arts and Crafts Show.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Elgin Area Alumnae Chapter Scrapbook, Page 19

This page contains a newspaper clipping and a note.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Elizabeth Bertuccini to Jackson Area Business Letter, September 1, 2000

Elizabeth Bertuccini, Millsaps College, writes to Jackson, Mississippi area businesses to ask for donations in support of Delta Underground, a philanthropy event hosted by Gamma Zeta Chapter at Millsaps College.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Elizabeth Bertuccini to Jackson Area Business Letter, September 1, 2000

Elizabeth Bertuccini, Millsaps College, writes to Jackson, Mississippi area businesses to ask for donations in support of Delta Underground, a philanthropy event hosted by Gamma Zeta Chapter at Millsaps College.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Ellie Honeyman and Karen Lozow to Mrs. Gaines Letter

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Emily Weaver and Kristen Helig at Tennessee Membership Recruitment, Winter 1999

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Emory Tri Deltas Are Volunteers at the Henrietta Egleston Hospital for Children Photograph, Fall 1978

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Endowed Scholarship Honors Memory of Three Tri Delta Sisters

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Epileptic Foundation

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Eria B. Sanders

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Erin Marietta and Sara Barrett Photograph, Fall 1999

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Ernelyn Navarro Volunteering in the Philippines Photograph, Spring 2015

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Eve of Janus

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Eve of Janus Sleighbell Project Information Packet, 1969-1987

This information packet contains a detailed history between the Nashville Alumnae Chapter and the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital from 1969 to 1987. The information packet also describes the Eve of Janus event that is organized and hosted by the alumnae chapter that benefits the children's hospital.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Executive Board and Office Staff of Tri Delta Card

This holiday card, sent on behalf of the Tri Delta Executive Board and office staff, features artwork by Sara McIlwain, a patient at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. The card also includes an insert notifying the recipient about a donation made for them to St. Jude.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Extension Update: A Beary Tri Delta Christmas Advertisement, Fall 1996

Collection: Tri Delta Publications