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Showing 2421 to 2440 of 4,568 results for "Philanthropy".

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Helping Hands Vol. 1, No. 1, October 2000

This newsletter features short articles about the partnership between Tri Delta and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. The articles include information about the Power of Purpose retreat, collegiate philanthropy projects, a message from the fraternity president, photographs, and an excerpt about a St. Jude patient.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Helping in Haiti

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Heritage Club

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

High Plains-Clovis, New Mexico, Alumnae Presented a High Chair to Memorial Hospital Photograph, Spring 1975

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Historical Background: Delta Delta Delta and Childhood Cancer, c. 2000

This document lists some of the events in the timeline of Tri Delta's involvement in supporting research into childhood cancer.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

History of Nashville Alumnae Chapter's Service to the Children's Hospital of Vanderbilt University Essay

This essay contains the history of the Nashville Alumnae Chapter's service to the Children's Hospital of Vanderbilt University from 1969 to the late 1980s.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

History of Sleighbell for Children Philanthropy Information Packet, February 18, 1985

This information packet, prepared by Marilyn Asprooth Cropper, Nebraska, features a history of the national sleighbell philanthropy since its adoption at the 1974 Convention to 1985.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

History of Sleighbell for Children Philanthropy Narrative History, February 18, 1985

Marilyn Cropper Asprooth, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, recounts the history of Sleighbell.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Holiday Art

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Holly's Story

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Honor Donors - Delta Century Fund

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Honorariums and Memorials, Winter 1999

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Hope Deferred or Realized - It Rests With You

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Hospital Banquet Invitation List, 1957

This invitation list features the names of people, clubs, and fraternal organizations in the Southern California area to be invited to the 1957 Sleighbell Luncheon.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Hospitals Aided List, June 1976

This list includes all hospitals aided by Sleighbell between the years of 1975 and 1976.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

House Corporations: Super Seals

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Houston Alumnae Chapter Members Photograph, Winter/Spring 2017

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

How Lubbock Did It

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

How Lubbock Did It: Mailings Began

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

How Lubbock Did it: The Results

Collection: Tri Delta Publications