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Service Projects Set Now Record

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Service Projects Short Form

This report summarizes the history of Tri Delta's War Service Projects, from its establishment during World War II through its development into a peacetime program that offers scholarships to members. Several edits have been made in pencil throughout the report.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Service Projects Success Story

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Service Projects Widely Supported

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Service Projects: Money-Making Hints and How To's for Collegiate Chapters, 1963

This information sheet describes several service projects carried out by collegiate chapters in 1963. This sheet was distributed at the 1964 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Serving in Syria: One Alumna's Mission to Help Women Takes Her to a War-Torn Country

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Serving the Restaurant Community

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Shaping the Future for Tri Delta

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Share Your Delta Love- Give Monthly to the Foundation Annual Fund 2014-2015

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Share Your Love Through Crescent Fund

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Share Your Love Through Crescent Fund

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Share Your Love Through Crescent Fund

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Sharing and Caring: The Crescent Fund

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Sharon Reynolds to Alumnae Chapter Presidents or Philanthropy Chairman Memo, Fall 1987

In this memo, Sharon Smith Reynolds, Texas Christian, encourages alumnae chapters to participate in planning and hosting a sleighbell project.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Sharon Reynolds to Margaret Haller Memo, August 3, 1987

Sharon Smith Reynolds, Texas Christian University, discusses Winston-Salem/Forsyth Co., North Carolina Sleighbell projects.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Sharon Reynolds to Margaret Haller Memo, February 13, 1987

Sharon Smith Reynolds, Texas Christian University, provides information about alumnae chapter Sleighbell fundraisers.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Sharon Reynolds to Philanthropy Chairman Memo, Fall 1987

In this memo, Sharon Smith Reynolds, Texas Christian, encourages collegiate chapters to participate in planning and hosting a sleighbell project.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Sharon Reynolds to Philanthropy Chairman Memo, January, 1987

Sharon Smith Reynolds, Texas Christian University, encloses a philanthropy report form regarding Sleighbell philanthropic efforts.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Shining the Light on Tri Delta Magazine Clipping, 2014

This magazine clipping features a short excerpt about the success of the $15 Million in 5 Years fundraising campaign by Tri Delta that benefitted St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. The except includes a photograph with two unidentified Tri Deltas and Bailey Parker, a patient at St. Jude.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Sigma Chi Derby Days Program, 1988

This program for the Sigma Chi Derby Days event provides a schedule of the event and features many advertisements.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection