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Showing 81 to 100 of 148 results for "Tri Delta Songbooks".

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Mark Shira to Marlene Norberg Letter 2, September 21, 1987

Mark Shira of A. B. Hirschfeld Press writes to Marlene Allen Norberg, Colorado, to apologize for giving incorrect delivery dates.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Mark Shira to Marlene Norberg Letter, August 28, 1987

Mark Shira of A. B. Hirschfeld Press writes to Marlene Allen Norberg, Colorado, with an overview of her order.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Marlene Norberg to Lou Smith Memo, February 4, 1988

In this memo, Assistant Fraternity Music Chair Marlene Allen Norberg, Colorado State University, apologizes for a mistake in the new Tri Delta songbook.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Marlene Norberg to Louise Smith Letter, March 9, 1988

Marlene Allen Norberg, Colorado, writes to Louise Diamond Smith, Texas, with enclosed information regarding the copyright applications for the Tri Delta songbook. Marlene asks Louise if it would be wise to consult their lawyers on how exactly to fill out the applications.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Mary K. Jensen to Andrea Cooper Handwritten Memo, September 5, 1984

Mary K. Wise Jensen, Butler University, provides information about the history of Tri Delta music.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Minutes of the Second National Convention of Delta Delta Delta, October 18-19, 1894

These minutes cover the business sessions of the 1894 Convention, hosted by Beta Chapter at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York. Notable decisions include a favorable position toward chapter extension, the appointment of committees to publish a song book and develop a ritual, the adoption of Fraternity jewelers, and that the publication of The Trident should stay with Alpha Chapter.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Music Chairman Biennial Report, February 23, 1986

In this biennial report, Fraternity Music Chair Catherine Lynch Lawdanski, Southwestern University, provides updates about the music tapes, songbook, centennial tape, and history of Tri Delta music.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Music Chairman Biennial Report, February 9, 1988

In this biennial report, Fraternity Music Chair Catherine Lynch Lawdanski, Southwestern University, provides updates about the songbook, music tapes, recruitment songs, and music programs.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Music Chairman's Responsibilities and Suggestions Report, July 1988

In this report, Fraternity Music Chair Cathy Lynch Lawdanski, Southwestern University, outlines her responsibilities in the role and provides her suggestions to improve convention and leadership school choirs as well as music distribution to chapters.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Music Notes

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Musicraft Engraving Service Invoice with Notes, August 9, 1987

This invoice from Musicraft Engraving Service to Marlene Allen Norberg, Colorado, details the cost of music preparation and text preparation. It has been paid as of August 9, 1987.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Musicraft Engraving Service Invoice, May 18, 1987

This invoice from Musicraft Engraving Service to Marlene Allen Norberg, Colorado, details the cost of music preparation and text preparation.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

New Songs Wanted Announcement, June 1911

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

New Songs Wanted Announcement, June 1911

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Ninth National Convention of Delta Delta Delta Minutes 1, June 21-24, 1910

These minutes cover the sessions of the 1910 Convention hosted by Upsilon Chapter at Northwestern University. Some of the highlights include discussion on admission eligibility, publication of a song book, establishment of chapter archives, province redistribution, and changing the title of Grand to National. This collection also includes the session notes of the National Council.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Ninth National Convention of Delta Delta Delta Minutes 2, June 21-24, 1910

These minutes cover the sessions of the 1910 Convention hosted by Upsilon Chapter at Northwestern University. Some of the highlights include discussion on admission eligibility, publication of a song book, establishment of chapter archives, province redistribution, and changing the title of Grand to National. This collection also includes the session notes of the National Council.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Notice, June 1904

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Notice, June 1904

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Ocean Breezes: Alpha- Boston University, July 1896

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Ocean Breezes: Alpha- Boston University, July 1896

Collection: Tri Delta Publications