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This program from the 1988 Centennial Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, contains messages of welcome, the convention rules, the lyrics to national anthems, schedules for each day of the event, and convention and fraternity directories.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
This newspaper article summarizes the 1988 Centennial Convention in Boston, Massachusetts, noting highlights of the event and the Fraternity's philanthropic work. A photograph of President Jean Gaines, University of California, Los Angeles, accompanies the article.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Katharine Gaines, California State University, Long Beach, poses for a photograph with her niece and nephew, Jonathan and Katharine. The children are her sister's, Elizabeth Gaines Pavloff, California State University, Long Beach, and the grandchildren of Jean Hunt Gaines, University of California, Los Angeles.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Katharine Gaines, California State University, Long Beach, writes a birthday card to her mother, Jean Hunt Gaines, University of California, Los Angeles.
Collection: Jean Hunt Gaines Papers
This program for the Rush Revue performance during the 1988 Convention lists the cast and crew that put on the performance.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection