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This document from the 1978 Convention contains three brief reports related to the Alternate Panhellenic Representative, the Bylaws Committee, and the Archives Committee. Margaret Paddock Haller, Cornell University, signs the document.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This luggage tag from the Marriott Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana, comes from the 1978 Convention held there.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This chart shows expenses and total cost of the 1978 Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This chart shows expenses and total cost of the 1974 Convention in Osage Beach, Missouri.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This report was written by Ruth Volkert Randle, College of William & Mary, for the 1980 Convention. This report shares details about extension efforts made by Tri Delta.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This speech was given by Eileen Blain Rudolph, Goucher College, at the 1980 Tri Delta Convention at the closing banquet.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This survey asks its participants to give their opinion about their experience at the 1980 Tri Delta Convention.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Sara Vaughn Gabbard, University of Illinois at Urbana, presides over the opening session of the 1981 Leadership School at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. She and other Executive Board members present the national, district, and field officers in attendance. Jean Hunt Gaines, University of California, Los Angeles, delivers the keynote address on the Leadership School theme, "Let Your Light So Shine."
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
The 1981-1982 Field Representatives Jane Schmit, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Susan Hampton, Wichita State University, Margaret Bauerle Nelson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Mary Jean White, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, present a report on trends they observed in fashion, music, pop culture, chapter life, and career aspirations while visiting campuses.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio from the 1982 Convention Closing Banquet begins with Fraternity President Sara Vaugh Gabbard, University of Illinois at Urbana, introducing the current and former Executive Board members and Associate Directors sitting at the head table. After these introductions, the Convention choir sings a short collection of Tri Delta songs before former Executive Board member Marjory Allingham Ramey, University of Oregon, gives the closing Convention speech. The audio concludes with the Candlelighting Service and the collective singing of "Alpha Theta Phi."
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio from day one of the 1982 Convention begins with the annual reports of the Fraternity Investment Council. The rest of the audio is about the potential use of the Century Fund to support the National Humanities Center fellows program. Two members of the Center give a presentation about its work and operations followed by a short question and answer session.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio is from the day three and day four 1982 Convention general meetings. The day three meeting is largely comprised of Mary Paup Baker's, University of California, Los Angeles, membership selection report. The day three meeting consists of various committee reports including Sleighbell projects, long range planning, and the Extension Committee.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
Convention Chairman Claire Brinley Berner, College of William & Mary, opens the second day of the 1982 Convention with a number of general announcements. Fraternity President Sara Vaugh Gabbard, University of Illinois at Urbana, then facilitates a discussion and vote on a resolution to use the Delta Century Fund to support a National Humanities Center Fellows program. The meeting concludes with a number of bylaw amendments and past Fraternity President Jeanne Johnston Grimes', Southern Methodist University, presentation of the nominating committee report.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio from day two of the 1982 Convention features the discussion and vote for using the Century Fund to establish a Tri Delta garden at the National Humanities Center. The audio ends in the middle of bylaw amendment discussions.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
In this audio from the 1982 Convention, The Trident editor Eileen Blain Rudolph, Goucher College, introduces "Going Greek in the Eighties," a slideshow presentation created by the National Panhellenic Editors Conference. The audio ends with a presentation from the Resolutions Committee.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
The first half of this audio from the 1982 Convention is a discussion led by Marjory Allingham Ramey, University of Oregon, with four past National Panhellenic Conference delegates. In the second half of the audio Marcheta MacDonald Bowdle, Miami University, interviews Marjory about her past experiences as Convention Director.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This lyric sheet, created for and used at the 1983 Leadership School, features 38 Tri Delta songs.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio from the 1984 Convention Closing Banquet begins with the Convention choir singing a selection of Tri Delta songs about love. Then, former Fraternity President Margaret Paddock Haller, Cornell University, gives the closing Convention address. The audio concludes with the candlelighting service and singing of "Alpha Theta Phi."
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This reservation card and envelope allow guests to reserve seats or tables at the 38th Annual Sleighbell Luncheon, as well as to donate to the cause. This specific card and envelope includes an address slip indicating they were sent to Mrs. T.T. Johnson.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection