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Easter Dance Card, March 30, 1921

In addition to the dance card, this document lists the chaperones and committee for the Easter dance.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Eastern Region Delta Delta Delta 36th Convention Regional Meeting Ballot, June 16-21, 1974

This ballot is used for selection of a candidate from the Eastern Region, at the 1974 Convention. Four ballots are included on one sheet.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Eastern Region Delta Delta Delta 37th Convention Regional Meeting Ballot, June 20-25, 1976

This ballot is used for selection of a candidate from the Eastern Region, at the 1976 Convention. Two ballot entries appear on this document.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Eastern Region List, 1972

This list shows information about collegiate and alumnae chapters and locations in the Eastern Region.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Eastern Regional Meeting Report Form, June 16, 1970

This report form provides information about attendance, nominations, and elections during the Eastern Regional Meeting at the 1970 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

EBR Scholarship Awards Working Copy, 2002

This document lists the recipients of the Eileen Blain Rudolph Scholar Award for 2002, their collegiate chapters, and the sponsoring alumnae chapters.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

EBR Scholarship Awards Working Copy, 2004

This document lists the recipients of the Eileen Blain Rudolph Scholar Award for 2004, their collegiate chapters, and the sponsoring alumnae chapters.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Ecclesiastes 3 Note

Corine Klatt, University of Wisconsin-Madison, writes Ecclesiastes 3 onto Mu Chapter letterhead.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Edelweiss Sheet Music

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Edgar A. May to Mrs. John Cuthbert Hall Letter, November 29, 1960

Edgar A. May, Resident Manager of the Arlington Hotel in Hot Springs, Arkansas, provides information on room rates for the 1962 Convention to Jane Dorsey Hall, Franklin College.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Edith A. Edwards Convention Badge, June 1924

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Edith Dawson Place Card, November 20, 1950

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Edith Hewitt to Sigma Deltas Letter, 1962

Edith Say Hewitt, Wesleyan University, provides details about her experiences at the 1962 Convention as a representative of Sigma Alliance. Edith includes an article from the Pine Press describing Convention luncheons and dinners.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Edith to Sigma Deltas Letter, August 1, 1948

Edith (last name unknown), delegate from Sigma Alliance, writes about her experience at the 1948 Convention in Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Edith W. Hewitt to Tri Delta Letter

Edith Weekes Say Hewitt, Wesleyan University, writes to a Tri Delta to honor them for 50 years of membership in Tri Delta.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Editor Speaks on "The Coming Renaissance" Newspaper Clipping

This article speculates on the future, predicting another renaissance or a return to the Dark Ages within the next 25 years. The author makes a case for a period of learning and discovery.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Editor's Note: -We Believe That the Spirit and Ideals of a College...Newspaper Clipping

This article provides a brief biography of Revered O.N. Hartshorn, a founder and the first President of the University of Mount Union.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Editors of The Trident

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Edmund T. Peckham to Mrs. Glenn C. Driver Letter, October 5, 1988

Edmund T. Peckham writes to Angela Hackett Driver, California, Berkeley, thanking her for informing him of the generous support from Tri Delta to the National Humanities Center.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Edna G. Bay to Eve Woods Riley Letter, October 11, 1993

Enda G. Bay writes to Eve Woods Riley, Southern Methodist, thanking her and for the congratulations on being selected as a Tri Delta Fellow at the National Humanities Center. Eve's initial letter is also part of the collection.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection