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Jean White Smith, University of California, Berkeley, writes to express regret that she cannot attend the 1986 Brookhollow Plaza Drive Executive Office Dedication.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Barbara Jean Wiggin Roach, Texas Christian University writes to Mary Kay Paup Baker, University of California, Los Angeles, to present her with a ribbon that shows she is a foundation donor.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Jean Nye Keslinke, Pennsylvania State University, accepts the invitation of membership in Alpha Phi Chapter at Pennsylvania State University.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
National Service Projects Chairman D. Corry McCraw, University of Texas, describes the Service Projects Committee's goals, activities, and accomplishments. This memo comes from the 1966 Convention.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
D. Corry McCraw, University of Texas, provides details about the 1972 Convention.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
D. Jeanette Corry McCraw, University of Texas, discusses the 1964 Convention and mentions that Diane Alborn's second scholarship award check has been returned. A reply from Zoe Gore Perrin, University of Colorado Boulder, to this memo is part of the collection. This memo is also part of a series of items regarding Diane Alborn's extra scholarship award.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
D. Jeanette Corry McCraw, University of Texas, discusses the Local Scholarship Fund, National Scholarship Fund, and offering $750 scholarship awards for Tri Delta's 75th Anniversary. Jeanette also welcomes Nancy Culver Jones and Marilyn McAskill Cunningham to the Service Projects team.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
D. Jeanette Corry McCraw, University of Texas, discusses including "National Secretary" before Nancy Culver Jones's name, as well as Diane Alborn, who had not returned the second scholarship award check she accidentally received. This memo is part of a series of items regarding Diane Alborn's extra scholarship award.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
D.Jeanette Corry McCraw, University of Texas, discusses business travel, manuals, and vacation.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
D.Jeanette Corry McCraw, University of Texas, praises Zoe Gore Perrin, University of Colorado Boulder, on her letters to scholarship awardees.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
D. Jeanette Corry McCraw, University of Texas, accepts the offer of Zoe Gore Perrin, University of Colorado Boulder, to help with Service Projects mailings and voices her concerns regarding the competitive nature of scholarship funds.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
D. Jeanette Corry McCraw, University of Texas, urges full participation in publicity efforts for Service Projects and Tri Delta's 75th Anniversary.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Jeannette writes to the Tri Delta Executive Board and Marjory Allingham Ramey, University of Oregon, with an update on plans for the 1972 Parkway Plaza Executive Office Opening Reception.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Jeannette writes to the Tri Delta Executive Board with an update on plans for the 1972 Parkway Plaza Executive Office Opening Reception.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Jeanne Johnston Phillips, Southern Methodist University, speaks to Gloria Hoffman Snyder, University of Texas, about her service to Tri Delta, beginning in 1956 on the House Corporation for Theta Kappa Chapter at Southern Methodist University, then later as a scholarship adviser, alumnae adviser, district president, national chairman of pledge training, fraternity associate director of collegiate chapters west from 1970-1972, collegiate vice president from 1972-1976, and president from 1976-1980. She shares recollections of the Tri Deltas she served with in leadership and discusses the value of chapter visits for both fraternity officers and collegians. Jeanne also discusses different initiatives to support chapters, the liberalization of Tri Delta's recommendation and recruitment policies, changes to the badge design to make badges more affordable, and the decision to increase collegiate and alumnae member dues.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
Fraternity President Jeanne Johnston Phillips, Southern Methodist University, lists the names of those who are ineligible to serve on the nominating committee for the 1978 Convention.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Collegiate Vice President Jeanne Johnston Phillips, Southern Methodist University, provides suggestions for the 1974 Convention.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Collegiate Vice President Jeanne Johnston Phillips, Southern Methodist University, describes plans and topics for meetings during the 1976 Convention.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Fraternity President Jeanne Johnston Phillips, Southern Methodist University, requests reports from each fraternity officers, for the 1978 Convention.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Collegiate Vice President Jeanne Johnston Phillips, Southern Methodist University, writes about collegiate awards, displays, workshops, and other planning details for the 1976 Convention.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection