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This page features five photographs from Theta Chapter at the University of Minnesota Crush Party and decorative magazine clippings.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This page contains the names of the 1985 Theta Chapter at the University of Minnesota new member class.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This page contains three decorative magazine clippings.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This page contains five photographs from a new member retreat.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This page contains four photographs from a new member retreat, magazine clippings, and calligraphy.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This page documents the Fall Formal with two photographs, a matchbook, and a cocktail napkin.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This page contains four photographs from Fall Formal.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This page contains four photographs from Fall Formal.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Theta Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity writes to Theta Chapter at the University of Minnesota to thank them for their hospitality.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Theta Chapter of Kappa Delta invites Frances G. Reynolds Barkshire, Randolph-Macon College, and Eureta Frances Snyder Griffin, Randolph-Macon College, to an "at home."
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
In addition to the dance card, this document contains the menu and lists the guests.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This program contains an agenda for the 1967 Theta Chapter Pansy Breakfast, a list of candidates for circle degree, the senior class will, and the junior class prophecy.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This 40-page scrapbook, created by Theta Chapter, documents the correspondence between members and Chung Baek Kyun, a Korean foster child that the chapter sponsored. It contains letters from 1954 to 1961 where Chung Baek Kyun updates Theta Chapter on his schooling, farming, and life in Korea.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection