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Tri Delta Print Publication #348522

This issue of the Pine Press from the 1934 Convention in Virginia Beach, Virginia, features articles on convention sessions and activities, member memorials, and updates on the activities of the chapters and chapter members. A list of registered Tri Deltas from Delta Omicron through Canada Gamma Chapters is also included, as well as a list of non-member attendees.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #348523

This issue of the Pine Press from the 1934 Convention in Virginia Beach, Virginia, features articles on convention sessions and activities, updates on the business of Tri Delta, and information on honors earned by members. A list of members who registered late is also included.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #348524

This issue of the Pine Press from the 1934 Convention in Virginia Beach, Virginia, features articles on convention leisure activities, the business of Tri Delta, information on a Tri Delta song contest, and information on interfraternity activities. A list of members who registered late is also included.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #348525

This issue of the Pine Press from the 1934 Convention in Virginia Beach, Virginia, features articles on upcoming Tri Delta activities, recruitment, convention leisure activities, and the final banquet.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #348570

This issue of the Pine Press from the 1936 Convention in Colorado Springs, Colorado, features articles on convention sessions and activities, delegate introductions, and leisure activities. Lists of the convention organizers are also included in this issue.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #348571

This issue of the Pine Press from the 1936 Convention in Colorado Springs, Colorado, features articles on convention sessions and activities, officer elections, and member profiles and news. A list of the convention attendees is also included in this issue.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #348572

This issue of the Pine Press from the 1936 Convention in Colorado Springs, Colorado, features articles on convention sessions and activities, member profiles and news, honors earned by members and chapters, and leisure activities. A list of the names of convention attendees is also included in this issue.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #348573

This issue of the Pine Press from the 1936 Convention in Colorado Springs, Colorado, features articles on convention sessions and activities, member profiles and news, honors earned by members and chapters, leisure activities, and Tri Delta fraternity business. A list of the names of convention attendees is also included in this issue.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #348762

This newsletter announces parish business and mass schedules.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #348763

This newsletter from Theta Omega Chapter at the University of Kansas provides information about chapter events and chapter members.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #348764

This newsletter reports the various announcements of the Alpha Kappa Chapter of Phi Beta Pi Medical Fraternity.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #353256

The 2010-2011 annual report for the National Humanities Center highlights programs, events, members, and donors to the institute.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #353260

This seasonal newsletter of the National Humanities Center highlights events, members and their projects, and recent publications.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #353261

This magazine provides information regarding humanism from a fundamentalist Christian viewpoint.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #353263

This seasonal newsletter of the National Humanities Center highlights events, members and their projects, and recent publications.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #353264

This seasonal newsletter of the National Humanities Center highlights events, members and their projects, and recent publications.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #353265

This seasonal newsletter from the National Humanities Center highlights works from its members.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #353266

This report from the National Humanities Center highlights the finances of the organization, works from Fellows, staff, and other statistics from July 1, 1999 to June 30, 1999.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #353267

This report from the National Humanities Center highlights the finances of the organization, works from Fellows, staff, and other statistics from 1998 to 1989.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Tri Delta Print Publication #353268

This report from the National Humanities Center highlights its Fellows, statistics of the organization, and other works.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection