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This video from the 2000 Convention Golden Circle Luncheon features a performance of Tri Delta songs, the recognition of present golden circle members, and addresses from past Fraternity Presidents.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio from the 2000 Convention begins with Jeffrey Cufaude's speech about finding a simpler way to run Greek organizations. The audio also includes reports from past Convention resolutions, the presentation of the new nominating committee, and the continuation of the Bylaws Committee report.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio from the 2000 Convention begins with the introduction of all attending past Presidents, Executive Board members, and Associate Directors. Fraternity President Gwendolyn Smith Wynn, Auburn University, then gives the State of the Fraternity address where she updates the Convention body about various Fraternity changes over the past biennium. The audio concludes with the annual Tri Delta Foundation report.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio from the 2004 Convention Greek to Great Luncheon features the introduction of the 2004 Women of Achievement award winners. The audio also includes the beginning of winner Idanell Brill Connally's, University of Texas, Convention speech about her life and hardships.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This video features part of the 2006 Convention General Business Meeting which includes the reports of the Fraternity finance director, professional advisors, and the Bylaws Committee.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
The beginning of this audio from the 2008 Convention features several collegiate and alumnae chapter award announcements. The rest of the audio includes the Resolutions Committee report and presentation of important/historic Tri Delta jewelry.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio from the 2008 Convention Foundation Breakfast is facilitated by Tri Delta Foundation President Janet Griffin Farrington, University of Mississippi. The audio includes Foundation updates and the announcement of the top donor alumnae and collegiate chapters. The breakfast concludes with alumna Cassie Diehl's, University of Illinois at Urbana, speech about her battle with cancer and the critical support she received from the Foundation's crescent fund.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio from the 2008 Convention features Theta Phi Alpha Fraternity President Mari Ann Callais' speech about living your ritual values.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio from the 2008 Convention Opening Meeting features the introduction of important attendees, including Executive Board members and past Fraternity Presidents. The audio concludes with the state of the Fraternity video narrated by alumna member Karen King Borta, University of Texas at Arlington.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This video features Alpha Rho Chapter alumna Deborah Norville's, University of Georgia, Convention speech where she talks about respect and self-confidence. The video also includes the Convention Destinations of the Past Luncheon that features several collegiate and alumnae chapter awards.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This video from the 2010 Convention features keynote speaker and past Fraternity President Sara Vaughn Gabbard's speech about the evolution of Tri Delta alongside the United States of America.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio from the 2012 Convention General Session begins with the induction of the newly elected Leadership Development Committee, report of the Resolutions Committee, and the presentation of the Executive Board's historical jewelry. The beginning of this audio features the Fraternity officer election.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This audio from the 2012 Convention features the Convention Memorial Service, which recognizes the Tri Delta members who have died over the past biennium. The audio also includes the annual state of the Fraternity address. The end of this audio features the beginning of the Convention Business Session.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Digital Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Digital Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Digital Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Digital Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Digital Collection