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Showing 6201 to 6220 of 7,899 results for "1930s".

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Sightseeing in Quebec Pamphlet, c. 1930s

This pamphlet describes historic sightseeing opportunities in Quebec, Canada.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Sigma Nu Writes Interesting Book

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Signal Honor Recently Conferred

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Sigrid Craig, Psi, Conference Speaker

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Silence Has Ceased to Speak

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Silver Anniversary of Tri Delta in Texas

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Simple Things

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

SIS Speech from the 50th Anniversary Convention Notes, c. 1938

These notes for a speech given at the 1938 Tri Delta Convention speak about the founding of Tri Delta and the pride surrounding it.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Six Tri Deltas Outdoors at the 1934 Convention Photograph, June 23-29, 1934

The women pictured at the 1934 Convention are, from left to right, Barbara Young Bowerman, University of California, Los Angeles, Barbara Gerardi Paulin, University of Southern California, Mary Lockhart haug, University of Colorado Boulder, Carol Jones Legget, University of California, Berkeley, and Martha Wigget Layne, University of Southern California.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Six Women and a Dog Photograph, c. June 27-July 2, 1936

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Sixteenth Annual Initiation Banquet of Alpha Iota Chapter Program, February 24, 1935

This program contains the menu, the toasts, and a list of the initiates and pledges from the 16th Annual Initiation Banquet of Alpha Iota Chapter at Middlebury College.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Sixteenth National and First International Convention of Delta Delta Delta Attendance List, June 22-26, 1931

This list provides the names, chapters, and addresses of those attending the 1931 Convention. Additional typed and handwritten notes indicate delegate status.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Sixteenth National and First International Convention of Delta Delta Delta Minutes, June 22-26, 1931

These minutes reflect the reports and addresses given and decisions made at the 1931 Convention, including those of the Alliance Section, National Council, officers, and committees.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Sixteenth National and First International Convention of Delta Delta Delta Minutes, June 22-26, 1931

These minutes reflect the reports and addresses given and decisions made at the 1931 Convention, including those of the Alliance Section, National Council, officers, and committees.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Sixteenth National and First International Convention of Delta Delta Delta Treasurer's Report June 22-26, 1931

Mary Chapin, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, presents a summary of Tri Delta finances, at the 1931 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Sixteenth National and First International Convention of Delta Delta Delta Unofficial Delegates List, June 22-26, 1931

This list provides the names, chapters, and addresses of those representing Alpha Province, Delta Province, and Theta Province, attending the 1931 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Sixteenth National and First International Convention Summary, June 22-26, 1931

This report summarizes the accommodations, attendees, and events of the 1931 Convention in Quebec, Canada.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Sixteenth National and First International Convention, Chateau Frontenac, Canada, June 22-26, 1931 Photograph

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Sixteenth National Convention Delta Delta Delta Banquet Program 1, June 25, 1931

This program contains a menu, a list of addresses, and awards from the 1931 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Sixteenth National Convention Delta Delta Delta Banquet Program 2, June 25, 1931

This program contains a menu, a list of addresses, and awards from the 1931 Convention.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection