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Initiates, Summer 1972

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Initiates, Summer 1973

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Initiates, Winter 1970

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Initiates, Winter 1971

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Initiates, Winter 1972

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Initiates, Winter 1973

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Initiation Photograph Card, 1977-1978

This is a card decorated with a Delta symbol and a photograph of new initiates of Theta Chapter wearing white dresses.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Installation Banquet Honoring Beta Omicron Chapter of Delta Delta Delta Program, January 26, 1974

This document contains the schedule of events, the names of the charter members of Beta Omicron Chapter, Illinois State University, the names of the initiates, the names of other participants and attendees, and the words to the Tri Delta Grace.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Installation Banquet Honoring Beta Pi Chapter of Tri Delta Program, February 2, 1974

This document contains the schedule of events, the names of the charter members of Beta Pi Chapter, University of California, Davis, the names of the initiates, the names of other participants and attendees, and the lyrics to two songs.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Installation of Beta Pi Chapter, U. of California at Davis, February 1-3, 1974

Director of Extension Lucile Foster, University of Maryland, provides a summary of the installation of Beta Pi Chapter at the University of California, Davis.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Instructions for Convention Delegates, February 1978

These instructions explain the process for covering Convention expenses for 1978 Convention delegates.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Instructions for Convention Delegates, January 1976

These instructions explain the registration process for 1976 Convention delegates. This collection features the Credentials Certification forms used by delegates.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Instructions for Convention Delegates, January 1978

These instructions explain the registration process for 1978 Convention delegates. This collection features the Credentials Certification forms used by delegates.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Instructions for Convention Delegates, June 16-21, 1974

These instructions explain the registration process for 1974 Convention Delegates. This collection features the Credentials Certification forms used by delegates.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Interfraternity Council Executive Board to Theta Chapter Card, 1977-1978

Executive Board members of the University of Minnesota Interfraternity Council, Tim Meehan, Tom Vein, Jeff Putnam, Jim Lee, Paul Meyer and Robb Peterson write Theta Chapter at the University of Minnesota to wish them a good vacation.

Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection

Interim Report

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Internal Theft - How to Handle

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Internal Theft - How to Handle, Continued

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Inventory for Delta Shop, 1974

These lists show inventory for use by the Delta Shop at the 1974 Convention. This list is sent with a letter which appears in this collection.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Inventory of Convention Trunk, 1976-1978

This list originally from the 1976 Convention, updated for 1978 Convention, indicates the items used during initiation and officer installation.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection