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This page features information regarding the Richardson Alumnae Chapter presidents, and the new members for their related collegiate chapters.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This page features a letter, clippings of images, and information related to chapter events.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This page features images on cardstock, a clipping of a Founder's Day Proclamation, and information regarding Richardson Alumnae Chapter philanthropic activities and other chapter events.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This page two features images from a slide presentation and two newspaper clippings regarding Richardson Alumnae Chapter philanthropic efforts.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This page features items related to Richardson Alumnae Chapter events, including five photographs, a recipe card, and a party invitation.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
This page features two newspaper clippings regarding a donation and a list of newly installed officers.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Fort Worth City Councilwoman Mrs. Raymond Rimmer, Louise Diamond Smith, University of Texas, and Barbara Wiggin Roach, Texas Christian University, pose for a photograph at the Parkway Plaza Executive Office in Dallas, Texas.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Rindy, the house mother of Theta Chapter at the University of Minnesota, thanks the women of the chapter for her gift and cards.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Lorinda Marie Christman, University of Minnesota, thanks Theta Chapter at the University of Minnesota.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Lorinda Marie Christman, University of Minnesota, thanks Theta Chapter at the University of Minnesota for her initiation.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Robert T. Davis confirms details of his presentation at the 1972 Convention.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
This information sheet provides biographical information on Robert T. Davis, President of National Leadership Institute and National Leadership Methods, Inc. The 1972 Convention features a leadership training presentation by Robert. This collection features related correspondence and documents.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Robert Yeates of the Arlington Chamber of Commerce writes to Bette McGillivray Euse, University of Minnesota, to extend a welcome to Arlington, Texas, ahead of Tri Delta's move to Parkway Plaza Executive Office.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Rodney thanks Theta Chapter at the University of Minnesota for their Halloween party.
Collection: Tri Delta Scrapbook Collection
Eileen Blain Rudolph, Goucher College, speaks to an unidentified interviewer about her time serving as editor of The Trident beginning in 1973, her experience collaborating with other editors and assistant editors, and the operations of the magazine. Later in the recording, Marguerite Peyton Thompson, University of Colorado Boulder, discusses her time serving as music chairman and editing Tri Delta songbooks and Ada Davies Searles, Goucher College, describes her work with planning conventions and leadership schools and the Crescent Fund.
Collection: Tri Delta Audiovisual Collection
This newspaper article profiles San Antonio Mayor Lila Cockrell, Southern Methodist University, the first woman mayor of a major city in Texas. A photograph of Lila Cockrell accompanies the article.
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Collection: Tri Delta Publications
Past Fraternity President Kathleen Davis Nye, University of Iowa, presents a program about recruitment and membership titled "Highlighting Our Purposes, Overcoming Images of Our Past."
Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection