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Have Purpose Will Travel

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Hawaii Alumnae Chapter Members at Chapter's 75th Birthday Photograph, Fall 2016

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Hearts of Gold: Tri Delta Alumnae Lend a Helping Hand to a Grieving Chapter

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Heather Smart and Chuck Donlin to Collegiate Chapter Presidents Letter, April 12, 2022

In this letter, Heather Smart Evans, William & Mary, and Chuck Donlin, a representative of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, encourage collegiate chapters to include a philanthropy event during fall recruitment and included a packet with educational material about their St. Jude philanthropy projects.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Helen Holt and Omicron Chapter Members Photograph, Spring 2015

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Helping Children Live, Scientists Learn, and St. Jude Lead

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Helping Hands Vol. 1, No. 1, October 2000

This newsletter features short articles about the partnership between Tri Delta and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. The articles include information about the Power of Purpose retreat, collegiate philanthropy projects, a message from the fraternity president, photographs, and an excerpt about a St. Jude patient.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Herff Jones Advertisement, Winter/Spring 2020

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Heritage Society

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Heritage Society: Remembering Tri Delta

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Hernandez, Agabon, Mendez, Velazquez and Kung Photograph, Summer 2017

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Hillier, Nicklas, and Lohse Convention Photograph, 2000

Two Foundation trustees pose with an alumna during the 2000 Convention in Washington, D.C. They are, from left to right, Foundation trustee Mary Hillier Boardman, Puget Sound, Virginia Nicklas, Michigan, and Foundation trustee Linda Robinson Lohse, Arizona.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Hilton Head Island Alumnae Chapter Members Photograph, Fall 2018

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Historical Background: Delta Delta Delta and Childhood Cancer, c. 2000

This document lists some of the events in the timeline of Tri Delta's involvement in supporting research into childhood cancer.

Collection: Tri Delta Archive Collection

Historically Speaking, Fall 2019

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Historically Speaking, Fall 2019

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Historically Speaking, Fall 2020

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Historically Speaking, Summer 2019

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Historically Speaking, Winter/spring 2019

Collection: Tri Delta Publications

Historically Speaking: A History of Change

Archivist Beth Dees Applebaum, Texas Christian University, writes about the evolution of the chapter officer structure within Tri Delta.

Collection: Tri Delta Publications